Kepler Schule Neukölln
The Kepler School is an integrated secondary school in Berlin-Neukölln. There, students from the seventh to the tenth grade learn in a personal and appreciative atmosphere with the goal that everyone achieves the best possible graduation and finds good prospects for the future after their school years.
The Kepler School should receive a new, contemporary look and a website that appeals to and informs both current and prospective students and their parents. The website should include a blog, a calendar of events, and an overview of all departments and areas of focus.
I chose a rising sun as a friendly and motivating symbol for enlightenment and growth. In the abstract Illustration, an open book can also be discerned. The sun additionally reflects the field of research of the school's namesake, Johannes Kepler. The combination of bright and muted colors creates an intriguing spectrum between youthfulness and seriousness. Everything is tied together by a timeless, clear, and well-structured concept of layout, design language, and typography.
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